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6 December 2013 NEWS
By reader request we have added a tag called Small Group. It will take a while to apply this tag to the drills in the archives but now you will be able to search for drills that are appropriate for practices with a small number of skaters present. Hooray!
In addition, we are looking for someone to create an All Derby Drills app. If you are interested and don't mind working for free stickers, please get in touch: allderbydrills@gmail.com
Finally, this is also a pre-announcement that there will soon be some changes made to the tabs. You'll see a few of the less popular tabs disappear, and the biggest change is that we are adding a tab for Guest Coaching. That's right--A.D.D. has guest coaching services available! Keep your eyes peeled for more information about this. If you just can't wait, shoot an e-mail to allderbydrills@gmail.com to inquire about guest coaching.
Thanks for reading!
8 April 2012 NEWS
Really exciting news, everyone! Roller Derby Made in France is now featuring French translations of the drills on A.D.D.! The blog is authored by Féroce Satine of Little City Roller Girls. As the drills get translated we will be adding a link to each of the drills' own page so that you can easily navigate between the two versions of the drill. You will know by the little French flag -symbol that the drill you are reading also has a French translation :)
Visit http://derbyfrance.wordpress.com/coaching/ to see the translation project in progress!
22 January 2012 NEWS
All Derby Drills is now on Google Plus! If you've got a Google Plus account of your own, follow A.D.D. to get instant updates whenever a new post has been published. There may even be some other bonuses in the future for the G+ followers... You'll just have to follow and see ;)

14 January 2012 NEWS
A couple of new things have been added to the bar on the right! First off, there is new label called "referee friendly drills" which is to indicate skater drills that provide referees a good chance to practice penalty calls, or skating on the inside of the track, or just in general develop the skills necessary for refereeing. TestosteRon Jeremy has promised to go through the archives and apply the label appropriately to drills that have already been posted. Also, a link to an online Tabata timer has been added for those of you who like to do Tabatas at practice. If you don't know what it is, there is a simple description on the same page as the timer! And did you know that you can download a Tabatas timer for a SmartPhone? Whoa, we live in a plugged in world.
15 December 2011 NEWS
Finally recovered from the World Cup madness! A.D.D. will soon be back up and running more frequent posts, and you can look forward to such marvelous guest bloggers as DerbaLife (let's drill good nutrition practices into our heads! :) and Team Finland assistant coach Tigre Force (Team Finland was recently ranked 5th in the world!).
28 September 2011 NEWS
Alrighty, we have some wieners! Tanya Hide of the Atlanta Rollergirls, Scary Only of the 709 Derby Girls, and Monica Orchard of the East Texas Bombers. They will all be getting some sweet A.D.D. stickers in the mail very soon.
As it turns out, the contest was a little TOO
27 August 2011 NEWS

We're giving away All Derby Drills stickers!
All you need to do is answer the following question correctly to be entered into the drawing to win a sticker: In the new A.D.D. video "Roller Derby Tap Out" which two leagues are being represented on the shirts that Geena and Tigre are wearing? E-mail your answer to allderbydrills at gmail dot com and we will draw SEVEN winners. Please make sure to include your skater name, your league, and you home address so that we know where to send the stickers. Title your e-mail "Gimme a free sticker!" Extra bonus wow-you-are-so-smart stickers will be sent to anyone of the seven winners who can also correctly name the famous Helsinki monument that is featured in the background.
20 July 2011 NEWS
We're getting STICKERS! Yaaay! So from now on, anyone who guest blogs or submits drills and stretches will get a FREE STICKER in the mail! Speaking of submissions, we are still keeping our hopes up that someone is going to send in some of their favorite stretches. Will this new free-sticker-rule help motivate you...?
23 May 2011 NEWS / REQUEST
You've seen us post some good stretches over the course of the last couple of weeks, now submit your own! We want to know what your favorite stretches are, whether they are static, ballistic or dynamic. Pictures are a huge bonus and submissions that include photos or videos will definitely be posted. Please send your submissions to allderbydrills [at] gmail [dot] com. In your submission include the name of the stretch, the objective (where am I supposed to feel it and what is it good for?), a thorough description, and any additional notes that you might have. Our favorite stretch will win a prize so please include your mailing address as well. Looking forward to knowing how and what people like to stretch!
28 February 2011 NEWS
Recently artist Pekka Räty completed the design for All Derby Drills' logo and we're proud to share it with you today! We hope you like it as much as we do :)
28 February 2011 NEWS
Congratulations Farmer Geddon of the Boston Derby Dames, winner of our "This ref was cooooold" -contest! Many thanks to everyone else who participated. Rest assured that we will have more contests in the future so there will be many more opportunities to win something fun & funky.
To get your name into the drawing you had to correctly guess which referee in our new referee hand signals video performed in -20°C weather. The correct answer was Pandora Pandamonium, the referee standing in front of the famous Havis Amanda -statue in downtown Helsinki (fun trivia: it's the statue that Helsinki Roller Derby's logo is based on). Although it was sunny it was *wicked cold* that day and we are all extremely impressed with Panda's skills and grit. And many kudos to the other refs who were indeed pretty cold as well :)
17 February 2011 NEWS
Our new video, "Flat track roller derby referee hand signals for beginners" has been posted!
See it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?
After you've watched it, take a guess at which one of our talented referees performed in -20C weather and you can WIN A FINLAND -THEMED CARE PACKAGE sent straight to your home by yours truly! To enter, send an e-mail to allderbydrills@gmail.com titled "This ref was coooold" and enter the name of the referee who you think it was as the first line of text in the e-mail. If you're not sure what the the refs' names are you are welcome to use a short description instead of the name. A winner will be selected through a drawing between all correct submission. Please make sure you add your name and mailing address to the bottom of the e-mail so we know who you are and where to send the prize! Entries can be submitted through February 25th. The winner will be notified personally and announced on the website. Limit one entry per person. Derbies in Finland are ineligible to enter this particular contest (you'll get your chance later :). We promise not to use anyone's addresses for anything other than this contest.
13 February 2011 NEWS
We have been working hard on completing our second video and it's *very* close to being finished! The subject matter is still a secret but here's a hint: No one has ever seen this many zebras hanging around Helsinki ;)
22 December 2010 NEWS
We went ahead and got ourselves the domain http://www.allderbydrills.com/! You can certainly still use http://blogspot.allderbydrills.com/ if you wish, the new domain simply makes it easier for people to find us online, and, well heck, makes it feel more like a "real" website :)
6 December 2010 NEWS
We're on Twitter now! If you like that sorta thing, here we are: http://twitter.com/allderbydrills
Please feel free to suggest what sort of things you would like us to tweet (besides the obvious: new drills).
5 November 2010 NEWS
ADD is now accepting submissions of videos and photos that illustrate drills that have already been posted. If you have something you would like to submit please send it to nhrd dot estrogeenadavis at gmail dot com! Please note that we only want videos that are already hosted online so please send us links, not video -files as attachments.